
By Wendy Anes Hirschegger, Membership Officer

“Canadian Blood Services is concerned by a recent spike in appointment cancellations in several cities related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s safe to donate blood during COVID-19, and critical for patients. We urge all donors to book and keep their appointments to prevent shortages.”

“Our screening measures are evolving in line with public health recommendations and the changing dynamics of the COVID19 outbreak. We ask donors who have recently travelled outside of Canada to call 1-888-236-6283 when booking their appointment to confirm they are eligible.”

Because of the COVID-19 situation, many mobile clinics that were being held in community centres have had to be cancelled because those facilities are closed, however the need for blood remains critical. There are still dates listed for June at this point, but that could change if restrictions are extended as time passes.

I donated blood on April 4 at the permanent clinic in Ancaster (35 Stone Church Road across the road from the Golf Town). The safety protocols in place are impressive – social distancing is strictly adhered to through all parts of the process from lining up to get in, to getting your snack following the donation. There is another permanent clinic in St. Catharines at 395-397 Ontario Street, and one in London at 820 Wharncliffe Road South, if anyof those is more convenient.

To book or change a blood donation appointment today, locate a donor centre, check your eligibility to donate blood and more, download the GiveBlood app available for iOS on the App Store or for Android on Google Play or visit blood.ca.

Part Dover Power & Sail Squadron members are encouraged to donate blood and to become team members of the Squadron’s “Partners for Life” initiative with the Canadian Blood Services.

Squadron members (and their family and friends) who are already blood donors or who wish to become blood doors, are also encouraged to sign up to be one of our Partner for Life team members.

  • Go to: www.blood.ca/en/ways-donate/donate-partner/becoming-partner/team-member-registration
  • Register using our Partner ID Number:  PORT680356
  • If you are already a blood donor, you will also need to enter your Canadian Blood Services Donor Card number.
  • Once the form is completed, click submit. You will receive a confirmation email that you are now a member of our Partners for Life team.

This is a one-time registration. Once registered, your past and future donations will automatically count towards our donation goal of 25 units of blood no matter where you make your blood donation!

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